Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, issue 12, I June 2019 | Page 14

In Hypnotherapy we communicate with these energies understand their reason for being with the person concerned, if there is some message or learning or advise for person we take that and then after understanding their situation/story/issue we try to help them to send them back to their further realm where they can be with their own kind or next step of their growth or to release them and send them to light. Whenever we begin to feel some drastic change in the person around us we should take some measure Hypnotherapy is one of those powerful tool that can help. It’s mostly happy ending for all of us if we know that everything in this universe is there for our own growth by The Creator and we just need to understand, then we can start observing what is happening and why is it happening. May GOD bless us all ☺ Neha Sharma (C.Ht.) Lucknow, India Clinical Hypnotherapist Past Life regression therapist Life between Life Therapist Spiritual Hypnotherapist Crystal Healer Marm “Vedic Science” Therapist. Art of Living teacher E- mail : [email protected] www.healyou.in