Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue 11, 1 May 2019 | Page 41

MAY 2019 This month trust your intuition right now, your feeling of the "rightness " of things and ,you cannot go wrong . Your actions may appear "foolish" to others, even to yourself, if you try to analyze them with the rational mind . But , the " zero " place occupied by the Fool is the numberless number where trust and innocence are the guides , not skepticism and past experience. Moment to moment , and with every step , the Fool leaves the past behind . He carries nothing more than his purity , innocence and trust , symbolized by the white rose in his hand . He balances all four elements , indicating that he is in harmony with all that surrounds him . His intuition is functioning at its peak . At this moment the Fool has the support of the universe to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life. Be a fool in the Taoist sense, in the Zen sense. Don't try to create a wall of knowledge around you . Whatsoever experience comes to you , let it happen , and then go on dropping it. Go on cleaning your mind continuously ; go on dying to the past so you remain in the present , herenow , as if just born, just a babe. And regain your power of Being What you decide this month have a life changing impact on your life . Its a very Long term card . So listen to your heart. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 All materials Published and used in this Journal "Healing and hypnotherapy are ©property of “Global Centre of Healing and Hypnotherapy “It’s material can be used for educational purposes only after the permission of Particular writer or contact Editor. As, everyone’s email is available to seek permission. In case of any dispute Editor’s words are Final. This Journal can be Shared anywhere its free for all. (c)