Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue 11, 1 May 2019 | Page 40
When you have had nightmares, flashbacks, headache and other
symptoms of trauma and tried to heal for many years, then to trust that
tapping on some points of the body could heal you!
9. How do you resolve them?
We use different explanation models of what makes Tapping effective
depending on who we work with and/or treat.
10. Please explain (TTT) in your words.
Trauma Tapping Technique – TTT – is a First Aid Technique for stress and
trauma. It is a psychosomatic technique for balancing the nervous system,
using trigger points that are equivalent to Acu-points to reset the
parasympathetic nervous system (rest and recovery system). Anybody can
use TTT as self-help as well as for assisting others no matter what is your
age or level of education.
Like the Australian Aboriginal activists Lilla Watson and her
colleagues once stated:
If you have come to help me
You are wasting your time
If you have come because
your liberation is bound with mine
Let´s work together
Wisest words ever, We don't help others, we offer our service in order
to help ourselves to grow and to heal at some level…………
You may Contact Her :
Gunilla Hamne
is cofounder of the
Peaceful Heart Network
in Sweden.
She shares energy psychology
techniques, globally
with those in need.
Smartphone App: Self Help for