Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, issue- 10, 1April 2019 | Page 23

It is this experience alone that helped a highly anxious and depressed client request his psychiatrist reduce his pharmaceutical medications in half. It was only in our fourth and final session that I learned that this client no longer had ruminating fears that enveloped his daily life prior to hypnosis. He had not even disclosed these fears to me in earlier sessions. The power of healing his inner child and forgiving those who caused him great pain created a transformative shift for him that greatly improved his relationships at work and home. I recently ran into another former 70 year- old client, whom I have not seen in several months. She was joyful and energetic, looking younger than I remember. She originally came to see me to help her lose 10 pounds, but through our sessions I learned that she drank a bottle of wine every night, felt lethargic and unfocused much of the time. Much of the work we did included inner child healing. Her wine drinking was reduced to an occasional glass or two. She remarked to me at our last session that she was “looking forward to life for the first time in over 50 years”. We are required as hypnotists to have a tool belt filled with techniques and strategies to suit the needs of our clients. Our education never ends. There are always new techniques and processes to learn. It is my experience that inner child work is one of the most powerful and transformative protocols. I find it to be consistently successful. To release the wounds of the inner child, and ultimately the adult, from a state of ‘stuck’ to liberation reaps numerous rewards for clients in all areas of their lives. And being witness to these moments of transformation makes our work as hypnotists equally rewarding. Lori Chrepta has been a Certified Consulting Hypnotist for 10 years. She is also a teacher and practitioner of the Akashic Records. She resides in New Jersey, USA and has an active integrative hypnosis and spiritual practice. Lori has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Master’s degree in Counseling and is certified in a variety of healing and spiritual modalities. She conducts hypnosis sessions and Akashic/Soul readings in-person and on-line for people globally. www.soulpointhypnosis.com www.soul-springs.com 22