Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 1, ( 1 July 2018) | Page 31

6. What is the common challenge you come across as a therapist? A person not believing they were hypnotized because they do not subjectively feel how they once thought they would feel. 7. How do you resolve them? By reinforcing to the client, at least several times, that there is no feeling to hypnosis other than a beautiful state of peaceful relaxation. 8. What is your take, on various ‘Healing Medium’? I feel that most Healing mediums are valuable resources to obtain both physical and psychological healing but, to a large extent, their success is predicated on the belief system of the client. If the client believes they will be healed through the application of a specific modality, than the chances of that actually happening are tremendously increased. 9. Please explain ‘Hypnotherapy’ in your own words. Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic application of hypnotic techniques designed to bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious mind for the purpose of bringing about positive mental, physical and/or behavioral change in the client. Thank you Dr. Kaloski. One may Contact Dr. Kaloski at: Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski, Ph.D. California Clinical Hypnotherapist Past Life Regression Therapist Author, Lecturer, Trainer Website: www.doctorkaloski.com E-mail:[email protected]