However , I just could not see myself going as far as trying the home remedies that suggested I go to sleep with my thumb jammed up into a potato or some of the other natural homeopathic treatments I read about .
I knew through all my personal research in the power of the mind that the body can heal itself under the right conditions .
After all , I spent an entire year , in an advanced hypnotherapy course program learning many techniques on how to help many issues using this same power of the subconscious mind along with the influence of various guided instructions through simple words within typical hypnosis sessions . I had already read books for years , simply for my own personal enjoyment and research into topics of neuroscience , metaphysics , quantum physics as well as psychology long before that . So I had some knowledge of many of the scientific journals and studies covering amazing topics with the body responding remarkably using just the mind alone .
One of my favorites was the famous Dr . Albert Mason case back in the 50 ' s . That ' s not to mention all the famous other cases written about people having multiple personalities and how certain physical traits and issues can be different between the personalities themselves . Today , it ' s more referred to as Disassociative Identity Disorder .
Prior to my certification as a hypnotist and receiving a diploma as a fully trained hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute . I had simply given up hope of ever having a normal left thumbnail . I accepted it . I had learned to live with it for over 15 years . It soon wasn ' t a factor in my life . I simply put it out of my mind . Ignored it . Until a few years ago ...
I found myself thinking more about it consciously once again . I ' m guessing it was because I found myself in a position where I was
forced to think more about my physical appearance on a daily basis . It was just after my divorce . I was meeting new people . focusing daily on opening up my new hypnotherapy practice and the thumbnail was back in the spotlight . In my mind anyway . You know . Those first impressions people get of you that you worry about so much .