Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 2018 | Page 23
Records are seen as something apart - a kind of universal
consciousness, a vast psychic library to which we have access. I
guess you could call it the ultimate Internet, a UWW (Universe
Wide Web, in case that went over your head) – with Wi-Fi, no less.
The Collective Unconscious is all the stories of the human race,
all the archetypes, all the ‘plays’ that are enacted over and over
again with a cast of thousands, or one or two people. The actors
may be different, the historical setting may change, but the
essential stories remain the same. Each person plays their allotted
This may go a long way to explaining why so many people
regress to a particular figure or group experience. It may not be
that they’ve actually been that person, or part of that group, but
they may have played that part in the play somewhere along the
line, and therefore it resonates with them. In the words of the
immortal Bard, "All the world’s a stage, and all the men and
women merely players. Each has their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts". (As You Like It - Act II,
Scene VII).
6. Retro-cognition. There is a theory that everything that has
ever happened is “out there” somewhere – or at least the
impressions or energy of it (kind of like radio waves). Retro-
cognition, or the “psi” experience as it is often called, is when one
telepathically perceives a scene from the past and thereby derives
information about a past event which he or she could not have
acquired through normal means. An example of this is when a
person visits a physical locale and is aware of details pertaining to
that locale (streets, rooms in a house, etc.) without having
previously visited that location or having read about it or seen
pictures or videos of it.
7. The Classic Concept. This holds that reincarnation is an
evolving process of physical exploration for the perfection of the
soul - a system of justice and balance. In this system, we learn
needed lessons through Karma (cause and effect) and carry this
intuitive knowledge with us through successive incarnations. Each
entity is born into each earth life with a level of awareness
established in their past lives. How the lifetime is lived will dictate
whether the rate is raised or lowered.