Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 2018 | Page 22
Galleon, for instance, or how to brew beer in the shadow of the
Egyptian pyramids when they were new can be a projection of
their inner conflicts.
3. Racial Memory. This hypothesis holds that somehow our
DNA molecules, the carriers of our heredity, can contain the past
memories of our genetic strain. This hypothesis might hold true if
one can show that the person belongs to a line descending from
the personality they claim to be but, in most of the cataloged cases
of reincarnation, the separation of time and place makes this an
implausible concept.
4. Soul Memory. This is the idea that people can access the
memory of their soul (as well as another’s soul) through the
“Akashic Records” - the spiritual record of everything that has ever
happened. According to the spiritual philosophies of theosophy
and anthroposophy, the Akashic Records are a compendium of
thoughts, events, and emotions believed to be encoded in a non-
physical plane of existence known variously as the astral plane,
the zero-point field, or the Akashic field.
Furthermore, the Akashic Records are believed to be the
records of all souls about their past lives, present lives, and
possible future lives. Each soul has its Akashic Records, like a
series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall
(or Library) of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic
Records are stored energetically. The Akashic Records, however,
are not a dry compilation of events. They also contain our
collective wisdom. These records are accessible through various
means, including Altered States of Consciousness.
5. Collective Unconscious. Those who subscribe to this theory
hold that the collective unconscious is a pool of memory which
contains all that has gone before, not only for our individual
families or tribes, but for the whole of the human race. It’s an
imprint of everything that is, or was. It’s been referred to as “an
incredible psychic computer”.
Given the correct access code, we can call up anything or
anyone. If we tune into this source, we can remember, or re-live,
any life that has previously been. It’s similar to the concept of the
Akashic Records. However, the Collective Unconscious is usually
regarded as a part of our consciousness, whereas the Akashic