Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 8, (February 1, 2018) | Page 14

Sharing save us from many things, like we don’t need to go through all kind of situations we can learn from each-other’s experiences. Writing and reading book/article is also form of sharing, the one who is sharing make this learning more pronounced in his/her own mind and the one who is reading is getting insights in different type of things which, at times can relate to their situation, gets better understanding of their own life and get answers how to move ahead. In Today’s world we all have many friends on social network, socialize with many, work with many but how many people we have where we can bare our soul, where we can be ourselves …? Rare are the people who have such kind of person in their life. In present time people are lonelier even though they have family and friends, trusts level are low; most of the relations are based on need. Solution to break this pattern is to share and care. To build trust we need to share our love and experiences. We need to communicate. You must be wondering how sharing is relevant to this magazine that is related to Hypnotherapy… well, many hypnotherapist/ past life regression therapist write any book with different cases or any experiences related to therapy. People read that book and those who are interested into this field are the one who go for deep research and lots of reading. Sometimes seemingly radical things are very difficult to believe for people because they think why only this person felt all these things and if it is true then there must be some more examples (Rare are the people who go deeper in their doubts and research or search things). This magazine is one platform provided to SHARE experiences of different therapists from all over the world so, many people reading this can see it is not anyone’s imagination but, reality more subtle, and experienced, not by one person, community or country but many people from different cultures, countries and religious belief. So now we can see how it is relevant to this magazine, here we share how and what we felt during therapy from our