Let’s Share, Trust, And Learn
Ultimately, “Grow”.
We all know what sharing is …
We share things as gift or charity, this we can call material sharing. Then
there is emotional level sharing where we share our emotions with other(s)
like sharing our pain and happiness, next level is mental sharing it’s like
sharing your ideas and thoughts etc. and last but not least “spiritual
sharing” here we share our experiences attain through anything or
everything in life, it can be meditation, being with nature or fellow human
being, our work or simply observing things, people and events around the
world; in short experience is something that help us grow and that is unique
to every individual, it might look similar to certain degree yet it is unique we
can call it learning/knowledge as well.
When we share problems we see we are not the only one going through
pain & problems there are many with worst situation still their smile is intact
and there is no cribbing at all, and there are many who have similar
situation as we do, so we know we are not alone there are many like us …
it’s just that we all have different learning.