State of Consciousness, either self-induced or induced by an
experienced and knowledgeable facilitator.
Past-life Therapy is Past Life Regression used for emotional,
spiritual, and sometimes physical healing. On this point I’d like to
add that when skeptics inquire into the "reality" of Past Life
Regression, particularly as it applies in a therapeutic sense, they’re
asking the wrong question. The important question, in my view, is
not whether Past Life Regression is "real" but whether it works in
solving the client's problems. I submit that the literature and the
case files of thousands of Past Life Therapists over the years show
that it does work in a remarkable percentage of cases.
The regression techniques used to reach the past life memories
can include hypnosis, deep meditation, guided imagery, shamanic
journeys, massage and bodywork. All of these are what’s called
“Altered States of Consciousness” techniques. All entail a change
of consciousness - a moving out of ordinary, everyday awareness.
This enables “time travel” to take place - a moving back in time to
re-experience the incident.
Excerpt from the book, "Your Journey Was Never Meant to End: A Compelling
Case for Reincarnation".
Wish you all a Very Happy New Year
Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski, Ph.D.
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Past Life Regression Therapist
Author, Lecturer, Trainer
Website: www.doctorkaloski.come
Email:[email protected]