Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 6, (December 1, 2017) | Page 6

I’d like to bring your attention to something else. Depending on the work I am doing, I may speak in Russian, English, Tatar, Sanskrit or Latin… my clients may not understand anything I say, the healing still will happen. I’ll tell you more, some of my clients I have never met and have never spoke to them directly, the healing still takes place. Hypnotists say that we program mind with hypnosis. I would say that our words have an ability to program not just mind but our bodies, our surroundings, the Universe itself. Spoken words can produce the same effect whether they are addressed directly to a person or not. Every single word we say has an effect. So, I am inviting you to be conscious about every word you speak. As we all know, the word can heal but also can do the opposite. I have witnessed something that doctors and even hypnotists say that I believe, can do a lot of harm. “Yes, I can treat this illness,” “We can treat chronic pain,” “Let’s work on your insomnia,” “I can help you work through your trauma.” By saying so, you’re not helping anyone, all you do is treating the issue which makes this issue bigger and stronger. Instead, replace it with proper wording: “Let’s get you healthier,” “Let’s focus on strengthening your health,” “I can help you sleep peacefully …” Every word you say has to “feed” something that we want not something that we don’t want. So, we must be very cautious about our choice of words. I’d like to bring your attention now back to hypnosis. Some common mistakes that I’ve seen: 1) we must work on one issue at a time – not true! We can achieve great success working simultaneously on different issues including the ones that we are not aware of; 2) the client must be in trance in order for success – not true! You can still get great results even if the client is not in a trance; 3) you must carefully script your hypnosis sessions – not true! You can simply repeat a few times what you want to happen; 4) you must use special techniques – not true! Again, you can simply repeat a few times what you want to happen using normal everyday language.