Healing and Hypnotherapy
With Future Progression
Healing happens once we understand the cause of trauma is not
permanent (by the help of Hypnotherapy) it is left behind so we
have no need to carry its impression as this disease, addiction,
behavioural problem or any other issue we have.
But sometimes it occurs when we look into future.
According to management gurus;
‘To understand, if a decision is right:
Check it out by three perspectives.
How it looks?
10 minutes from now,
10 month’s from now, and then
10 years from now.
You will get the perspective and understand.
Something very similar takes place in terms of progression. When
we go and explore our possible future based on our Present.
Please understand a slight change in our Present life even a small
So future can be changed by our present. AND we can visit its
probability in trance.
That’s exactly what happened in the case of this lady and her
husband. Her husband under tremendous pressure from his
mother stuck in this limbo and here the session Navigated towards
Progression. He visited his future without his wife, where under
pressure he divorced her. What he saw was Interesting.
He saw himself depressed and lonely. His Brother and other
members of family completely busy with their lives and are only at
formal terms with him. His parents are worried for him as he is
lonely does not have much heart into doing anything bereaved and
guilt ridden that I left the one I loved most for no reason at all. In a
nutshell creating more Karmas… as they say getting deeper into
this tangle.
Let’s not forget his subconscious mind has created this future over
his current mindset. So it is not carved in stone. Any change in