In this session we have seen this person was not aware of his / her abilities acquired in past however it was not that it wasn ’ t there in memory , it was in subconscious mind only conscious mind forgot about it . So what we did was just tapping that portion of mind where information resides and gradually that information started coming back to this person .
Now there ’ s a story in one Indian scripture RAMAYAN Hanuman as a child was extremely naughty with extraordinary powers one of them was flying in the sky , so one person who was harassed by hanuman ’ s mischief cursed him he will forget all his powers and Hanuman forgot everything about his power . Now when he was a grown-up man he met Ram and while helping him to find Sita ( Wife of Ram ) one of his friends reminded him , his abilities then he used his powers to help Ram . Here we can see that information about his powers were vanished from his conscious memory but it was there in his subconscious mind and what it required is tapping in that portion of mind .
My point here is that many of us might be some great & skilled person in our previous lives still living mediocre life instead of realizing our full potentials and first step towards this realization is to go deeper in our mind towards our source . Hypnotherapy is one of the ways to attain this purpose . In Hypnotherapy we touch that portion of mind where with our conscious mind we are not able to reach .
So through hypnotherapy we can get access to skills and abilities that we have acquired in previous lives or in present life as well because that knowledge is always there in our mind , it ’ s just that our conscious mind is not aware of that .
Neha Sharma . Lucknow , India
Clinical Hypnotherpist Past Life regression Therapist . Life between Lives Therapist .
Crystal Healer . Art of living Teacher .
Email : nehasharma _ healing @ yahoo . com