Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 2 (August 1 2017) | Page 3

And our first Light ray is for our children from Gunilla Hamne and Ulf Sandstrom Tapping and how it helps children instantly. Avaluable read. And must practice. Guzalia S. Davis, again with a new gift to us. “Protection Aura Expanding and Strengthening” A must read. Neha’s Session insight is valuable; which says, that what cannot be changed since it’s a Karmic debt, can still be tempered with the help of Grace. In her “Past life Karma and their effects, can be conquered by Meditation and Service.” Wecome to “Lori Cherpta” from USA with a beautiful write up about Akashic Record. AKASHIC RECORDS’ Their Beauty & Healing. Thank you for joining us in our mission of spreading awareness Let’s Explore the world of Crystals with Me (Varsha). As this medium is not touched upon yet in our journal. Here is “Crystals, Mysterious, Loving Master Healer “ Lemurian Quartz” A Mystical read. Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski’s write up is once again affirming how useful hypnotherapy is, in our life. With its Past Life Regression Therapy how many issues can be resolved. A. Prakash Your write up is a clear picture of trauma children go through in parental discord. “Finding LIGHT Within To Heal the Trauma of a Broken Home”. But then souls’ blueprint are unique they choose their challenges. A thoughtful read indeed. Read and Enjoy Love and Light to all… J this journey within. Varsha Dwivedi -Clinical Hypnotherapist, -Past life regression Therapist, -Life between Lives therapist ,-Crystal Healer,-Tarot Reader, -NLP Trainer to the Coaches -Master Practitioner and coach of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) & Subconscious Re – imprinting, -Marma “Vedic Science” Therapist. Email: [email protected]