Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 2 (August 1 2017) | Page 2

न त्वेवाहं जातु नासं न त्वं नेमे जनािधपाः। न चैव न भिवष्यामः सवेर् वयमतः परम्।।2.12।। There was never a time when I was not, nor thou, nor these princes were not; there will never be a time when we shall cease to be. ( SrimadBhagvadgeeta "Chaptor2- Verse12" ) From The Desk Sun – Solar Energy, Energy of Father in Energy healing A miracle to witness daily, Nourishes feeds everything on Earth, Bearer of Knowledge, Witness of everything, From Timelessness to, Time bound zones From Simultaneous, to now. Giver of Light Of Energy Of stability Of warmth Of Happiness The more we dwell in sunlight; Stress, depression and lethargy go away. It has potent healing power. Morning Sunlight is no less than Life’s Nectar. When combines with rain it gives Rainbow – Myriad colors – Seven bands or seven energy centers - As in sky so in body, Life begins with the combination of Sun and rain. Air moves it, Ether (Sky) holds it, Earth Bears it and keeps it grounded. With these five elements, Alchemy of pressure, temperature and amount of elements creates everything from Amoeba to Human, to living and non-living all substance with them ………. Ever wonder from where these five elements come? Answers.. in Silence Deep silence is where the whole litany begins, flows – grows and reach to the Silence again……..