Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 9

Big Mind vs Small Mind An Interesting Take through Sessions Sometimes things don’t go well and we feel really bad at that time, for example “we are stuck in traffic jam and missed our flight for extremely important meeting that cost us a fortune, how will we feel at that time horrible and angry … and this is small mind. Now after some time we switch on our TV set just to see that same flight crashed before reaching destination and we felt Oh! I got lucky. Well, that’s a big mind or u call God, Guardian angel or supra consciousness or Luck. Small mind is ours that can plan and see only few steps ahead like profit in meeting, loss if flight missed and accordingly we feel good or bad (It’s one worst case scenario, there can be not so bad one and there might not be immediate information about big mind’s plan for us). Big mind I am calling unknown energy that is taking care of us, even if we don’t know. We are standing at the foothill and this big mind is at top of hill so you can understand the difference of view. Our emotions are like binary language 1 and 0 and they are continuously toggling from happy to sad, sad to happy. If everything as per our plan we are happy else we are frustrate. So what is it that can give us eternal happiness … or put it this way what is stopping us from being happy???? When we focus on what we want instead of what is good for us … we get sad when we don’t get what we desire, and some times more frustrate when we actually get what we want J funny isn ’t it, Here , I’ll tell you small stories from two of my sessions. One is, of a guy who fell for a girl and decided she is true love of his life so when girl refused his proposal he went to lower level Tantric (Tantric is like scientist , (play with the chemical composition of five elements ) practice certain kind of Tantra (system / procedures) & lower level are, who use quick-fix spells to help people attain worldly desires , higher level are proper scientists they are more into exploring higher level knowledge ), he gave loads of money to this tantric just to get this girl,