Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 11, 1 May 2018 | Page 30
Thomas A Hilton Jr.,
1. How you became a Hypnotherapist?
My interest into hypnosis grew while I was researching information
into the real powers of the subconscious mind. I was particularly trying to
explain to myself how a few personal events that I had witnessed in my life,
were even possible. One was how I managed to tap into a state of mind
commonly known as “In The Zone” within the sports industry while playing
a baseball game at the young age of 16. It allowed me to physically perform
at an optimal level with very little effort on my part. It was 20 years later
through this research, when I had discovered what had actually taken place
within my mind and body during that one game. I discovered this was could
be taught as a learned skill as well. That even sports performance was one
area in which hypnosis could be used to help change a person’s
unconscious behavioral issues that could be holding an athlete back from
his true potential This interest soon grew to my decision to study it further
and spend a year to develop my own skills and obtain certification as a
hypnotherapist myself.