Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 10, 1 April 2018 | Page 16

gender differences around sex that can lead to the differences Women often report a need to feel emotional connect to their partner before they feel sexual desire while men report they need the sexual desire and physical relationship to feel the emotional connection. What is important here is to know that the shift in sexual desire is a very strong indication of shift in emotional connect within the relationship. Couple who report to have frequent sex generally, also report more of an emotional connect or satisfaction in a relationship. And vice versa. Instead of simply accepting a decreased sex drive as normal part of time, age lives. Step back; and ask yourself if, you have been feeling less emotionally connected to your partner, in other ways. If you have any kind of resentment communicate about it. And, listen, sit down, and resolve if your partner has issues. Reconnecting at emotional level is the quickest way to heal and heat up things physically. J • To take your Partner For-granted: Another ‘Normal’, which personally makes me cringe when I see it. How people treat strangers better than the people closest to them. See it from the concept of emotional investment. If we will invest indifference in our most long-term partnership policy then returns and benefits cannot possibly be Love. What is most puzzling is that, those who do this, seems completely oblivious to the fact that, being disrespectful and rude to their partner has a very negative impact on their relationship. Please do not forget you come close because you were on your best behavior during courtship. So stay on. Do not settle for ‘normal’, relationships take effort and Love, go for better and reach to be Best, Grow and grow and grow with each other forever. At first call of distress, seek help, and remember, we all have a right to live in happy harmony and, its actually possible. J Varsha Dwivedi Clinical Hypnotherapist, -Past life regression Therapist, -Life between Lives therapist, -Crystal Healer, -Tarot Reader, -NLP Trainer to the Coaches -Master Practitioner and coach of NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming) & Subconscious Re – imprinting, -Marma “ Vedic Science” Therapist Email: varshadwivedi225@gmail.com