Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 1, (July 1, 2017) | Page 20

Suicide- Freedom from Worldly Woes? Once an old client and a dear friend referred someone who had recently attempted suicide. She told me that the person referred was a distant cousin, whose attempted suicide, has deeply concerned everyone, about him and his family, as things had not been well for past couple of years since he had met an accident shortly after his marriage. Though initially a little hesitant about trying hypnotherapy, he agreed to give it a try, and we scheduled a session next week. As promised, he came, though a little nervous and jittery, yet meticulously dressed and on-time. This gentleman in his early-forties on first look seemed like someone very ‘tired’ and ‘worn-out’. He was a handsome guy who seemed like a withered banyan tree. His tall frame and athletic body type indicated an active healthy past but all that poise and energy seemed to have be clocked by a strange ‘heaviness’. He had sad eyes, sunken shoulders, slump in his walk, and overall an exhausted appearance. As we talked I noticed that he would at times be very slow and deliberate with his words and sentences, yet at times be very fast and random, to the extent of losing the context. He worked with a leading financial institution; was financially sound; had been a national level athlete; and got married around eight years ago to a fellow athlete and fashion model and had a wonderful life till he met with an accident soon after his marriage, which left him immobilized for around six months. He recovered slowly but life has never been back to track and things only seemed to have taken a nosedive. He shared how post-accident he went into depression, self- criticism, and developed: low self esteem and felt inadequate. That feeling of inadequacy led to drinking that had now become another big issue in their marital life and also grave concern for his own health. He told how he will feel angry at very little issue and turn aggressive to the extent of being violent. He felt that the accident was the reason that they couldn’t have a child and had a feeling that his wife saw him as inadequate.