Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 1 (1 July 2016) | Page 5
- sometimes orgasmic event: the main hormone in both sex and birth is the same (
oxycontin ). And we need as good conditions for good labour as we need good
conditions for good lovemaking. Because if a woman produces ad- renaline (related
to fear ) she cannot produce oxyocin , which is the hormone not only needed to
deliver the baby but also to deliver the placenta.
It is absolutely necessary for a woman during labour to feel at ease and comfortable
(unobserved and not judged ), that she is uninhibited to follow intuitively her blue
print for labour and encouraged to trust her body to complete this ancient and
mystic process . Unfortunately , few women ever have such conditions of privacy ,
safety and non-disturbance, which is the fundamental problem for why women need
so much help when giving birth.
These days it seems more “natural ” to replace natural oxytocin with drips of
synthetic oxytocin and natural en - dorphins by epidural anaesthesia . So most
women give birth without relying on the release of their own natural hormones. The
downside of the readily available synthetic hormones is, that they do not have the
same behavi - oural effects as the natural ones . Synthetic oxytocin for example
inhibits the release of natural oxytocin from the not reach the brain, meaning it will
not have the „bonding effect“ as the natural hormone.
Natural methods also require the woman to be an active participant in the birthing
process , which involves empowering her to listen to her body and being able to
change positions (walking , squatting , rolling, hovering in water or just resting ) – in
contrast to a woman being stuck in a hospital bed on her back with feet strapped ,
which has consistently been shown to slow down and complicate labor.
“The same movements that get the baby in, get the baby out.”
From Birthing From Within
Western societies have dramatically disturbed women during the child birth process
and these days we seem to have not only a lack of an appropriate cultural model for
childbirth but also a lack of time, patience and trust in a woman ’s body. Now, this
raises several big questions : What effect has this on the baby ’s life and the
individual relationship of mother and child ? How will humanity evolve over
generations of women giving birth under such unnatural conditions ? And how will
women ever get back their sense of ease, grace and ownership for child- birth, and
her their own bodies?
and understand the physiological processes , and to give women that knowledge
and the freedom of choice.
Marina Wolny Kumar
Hypnotherapist &
Energy Practitioner)