Healing and Hypnotherapy Special Mega Annual Issue 21 June 2017 | Page 7

sadhna/meditation to seek these answers as that higher stage of our being which we experience during a meditational trance has been instrumental in gateways to a higher wider deeper awareness. Its in this stage of heightened awareness that humanity has got its deepest and the most profound insights. Hypnotic trance is a similar state of high tend awareness, where in the client guided by therapists is able to reach that state of awareness wherein his subconscious is open in a constant state of awareness where whereby deep insights and relevant informations can be taped. The deep state of meditative trans that an individual achieve through long disciplined sadhna/meditation can be experienced by him in a Hypnotherapy session guided by a trained therapist. Though such a session can in no way be compared or be a substitute to a regular sadhna/ meditation yet such a session certainly opens up a window for client and depending upon his state of being and vibration he experiences things that can become key to open his consciousness for exploration of his higher self. The therapist aids and guide client through various technique to reach that state of trance wherein the client is able to connect with his higher and aware self. This aspect of our being with we commonly refer as our Higher self or the 'Aware Us' is always there with us. The Hypnotherapy session just helps us connect to our subconscious mind which is a know all aspect of our being. Our awareness or mind as we commonly refer to and broadly be devided into conscious and subconscious. Concsious being the aspect which we are consciously aware in our daily life through our five senses. and the Subconcious which we are unaware in our routine life yet get glimpses of in our moments of Deja vu, meditation, dreams etc..