Healing and Hypnotherapy Special Mega Annual Issue 21 June 2017 | Page 6

MEDITATION AND Hypnotic TRANCE Cosmos was born out of the primordial sound of the OM. It is the core of indian philosophy on the origins of the world as we perceive. Latest development in quantum physics to affirm this view with the basic premise of all visible and invisible cosmos as being built by the tiny strings or vibration (String Theory). So, all in all from the ancient sages to the modern scientists one common thread that " all that is" is Vibration or energy in its simplest understanding. All that we perceive around us and also what we are unable to perceive yet, if broken down, to its simplest form is energy. We all know that we are the some total of our mental, physical and spiritual aspect, all pulsating in unison to create the us, we are. Intellectual awareness of our being as entities, beyond the confines of our physical self, is what most of us have explored and learned, through intellectual explores via books, discussions, electronic media etc… yet something lakes; some questions remains unanswered, few doubts remained because all that we read here see, are the experiences of others. Masters and sages down the ages have talked about direct experience through sadhna/ meditation and self exploration. walking the path of self discovery is what each of us needs to undertake sooner or later but only few of us are able to invest all the time and energy needed for this pursuit. we all seek answers to questions like what is the purpose of my life? Why am i here? where do I come from? Where do i go after this earthly stint? and the most Important what is the true nature of myself? Masters and sages have all guided humanity to follow the path of