Head Of The Charles Regatta 2017 HOCR Program | Page 9

from our hosts/ o Roy Commissioner Le creation nservation and Re Department of Co ecreation Conservation and R of t en tm ar ep D e A message from th oor orts all forms of outd creation supp d Of The Conservation and Re of t en tm ar e as host to the Hea ep rv D se e Th ain ag ce on to etic prowess. rticularly proud emier displays of athl recreation, and is pa pr n’s tio na e th of e iasts at its CR), on g athletes and enthus in w Charles Regatta (HO ro of lth ea w a s River nate to have to ensure the Charle R C D e th Massachusetts is fortu ith w er athouses who partn e season. many colleges and bo sport, throughout th eir th d an , em th e unication continues to serv ents and close comm itm m m co s ire qu re s nteers. Of The Charle s, event staff and volu cie en ag ty fe An event like Head sa ic bl ng the river’s ding DCR staff, pu nds of spectators alo sa ou by many parties, inclu th st ho to e bl lar users, makes it possi al condition so regu in ig or Their collaboration eir th to ds return the parklan ways, greenspaces edge and ultimately ue to utilize its walk in nt co ay m s, er ut d comm including families an and recreation areas. ork of partners who ssible without a netw po e be t no ld ou w s harle thank the Head Of Th to e lik lly cia pe es The Head Of The C ld ou be assisting r many years, and I w R personnel who will C D d an have been involved fo s, er rtn pa t OCR to nization, all even end support from H fri g in go on Charles Regatta orga on t un co ry event. ughout the day. We e for this extraordina nu ve with operations thro e th s, rle ha C e the banks of th tacular restore and improve ed to host such spec ed ne s ce ur so re l ra protect these sed with the natu t them. Please help us ec Massachusetts is bles ot pr to ty ili sib on aging others shared resp your stay and encour r te af events, and it is our up g in an cle for parklands by ngs remain beautiful tti se l ra tu na important waterfront n’s sto er, we can ensure Bo to do so, too. Togeth Enjoy the Regatta! generations to come. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION FIFTY-THIRD HEAD OF THE CHARLES REGATTA 9