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1. Job dissatisfaction and antagonistic relationships with coworkers predict a variety of behaviors organizations find undesirable, including unionization attempts, substance abuse, undue socializing, and tardiness. These behaviors are indicators of a broader syndrome called 2. Organizational momentum ________________. 3. Some studies indicate the best approach for transformational change may have the chief executive officer create an atmosphere for change 4. Which of the following actions best represents Kelly’s high job involvement? 5. The concept that some leadership attributes will work in some situations but not in others can be described by the 6. You manage a department of four employees. You have identified that Joe has a high need for achievement. Mary has a high need for power, and Tim has a high need for affiliation. Sarah scored high on the need for power and low on the need for affiliation. Which of these four employees is most suitable for handling your responsibilities when you are on vacation? 7. In order to make their firm a learning organization, managers should 8. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the effectiveness of tactics?