you have, so on the low calorie diet days, you will
lose fat and not muscle.
On the third day, you begin the low-calorie diet.
For breakfast, you can have coffee or tea. Also
you can spread out your meals and have your
fruits for lunch, just be sure not to eat more food
than allowed.
Also for lunch, you have your typical low-calorie
diet and then do the same for your dinner. If you
want snacks, you can always save something from
a meal. You can even keep your fruit for dinner
and have it a little later.
Note that you should also be drinking 2 liters of
water per day. This method will help you detox
and keep you hydrated. It’s important so don’t
skip it.
And while on this diet you won’t need to exercise.
In fact, it is more active if you don’t. You can do
light kinds of stuff like walking or jogging about a
mile or two per day, but beyond is really not
needed. There are many who didn’t even do that,