HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 5 | Page 21

M E E T T H E J U D G E S by Lyndsey E. Siara – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Continued from page 18 visit, after spending time with her, I have no doubt she would have invited me regardless and welcomed me with a signature warm hug. Warmth. That is the primary adjective to describe Judge Tesche Arkin’s personality and the feeling she elicits from others. It was certainly the environment she created during our time together as we sipped an herbal blend, chatted, and gazed out into her backyard. Overlooking the Hillsborough River, her backyard is an oasis of banana trees and Judge Caroline Tesche Arkin butterfly gardens, along with a band stage and and her husband Steve a large bird aviary built by a dear friend. You before dog sledding shouldn’t be surprised to learn then that gardening is her favorite hobby. After her family and the law (more on those later), her backyard is a true and her maternal grandparents were lima bean growers love. It shows. The passion was born after her parents in southern California). She chose pumpkins, and encouraged teenaged Caroline to grow something. She realized she enjoyed watching them grow. Now she tapped into her ancestral agricultural roots (her dad’s Continued on page 20 family ran a walnut farm in what is now Silicon Valley, M AY - J U N E 2 0 2 0 | HCBA LAWYER 19