by Lyndsey E. Siara – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
beyond the robe: Judge Caroline Tesche arkin
Judge Tesche arkin was obviously thrilled to be nearing the finish line
of her orthopedic surgery recovery.
Author’s Forward: The sixth segment of this series was written in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. The conversation
that preceded the article occurred several weeks prior — long before remote work requirements and stay-at-home orders. But of
course, there was some pause for concern about publishing a light-hearted exposé at a time when our world seems chaotic and the
future uncertain. After consulting with the subject of this article, we decided it best to push forward. It is our sincere hope that
this article will provide a small break from the surrounding craziness (whether induced by the news or work-from-home
requirements whilst kids distractedly engage in shenanigans around you) and bring a sense of normalcy during these uncertain
times. By publication, perhaps we are all back to our routines and our office desks. Either way, we find solace in knowing that
we will reach the other side of this challenge and once again be together at the Chet.
ou will first notice
that this recurring
series on Thirteenth
Circuit judges has
been rebranded. While
we are certainly still “meeting the
judges,” it is my intention to take
readers Beyond the Robe and resumé
of the featured judge on a deeper
dive into their lives, interests, and
personalities. Brief, non-scientific
research revealed only one common
title: Beyond the Robe: Science for Monks
and All It Reveals about Tibetan Monks
and Nuns, by Bobby Sager. No doubt
markedly different subjects, but
amusingly, the title usage for both is
quite apropos.
In the sixth segment of this series,
I highlight Judge Caroline Tesche
Arkin. On the tail-end of her recovery
from a total ankle replacement, Judge
Tesche Arkin graciously invited me to
her home to converse over a cup of
tea. Although it was her continued
recovery that prompted my home
Hon. Judge Caroline Tesche Arkin
Continued on page 19
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