YLD Recognizes Lyndsey Siara
Congratulations to senior Judicial staff attorney lyndsey siara with the
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit on being recognized by The florida bar young
lawyer division as one of nine outstanding young female lawyers, who were
highlighted during international Women’s week in march. she was elected
to the hCba’s yld board three years ago and in that time has championed
the creation of an outstanding young government attorney award. she also
organized a regional summit on government attorneys in our area (currently
postponed) and encourages other government attorneys to get involved in bar
activities. also, she is a regular contributor to this lawyer magazine: in fact,
Lyndsey Siara
she is the author of the feature article starting on the next page on Judge
Caroline arkin Tesche!
additionally, siara and a colleague spearheaded the opening of two lactation rooms at the edgecomb Courthouse
and have pushed for more across the state. she is also active in The Junior league of Tampa, playing an instrumental
role in the success of Tampa’s first and only diaper bank. siara gives countless hours of her time to the local bar and
community at large, while excelling in her role as a judicial staff attorney, and is very deserving of this recognition.
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