HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 5 | Page 8

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E G r a c e H . Ya n g – G r a y Ro b i n s o n staying strong in this Challenging season i urge our members to do their best to take care of their physical and mental health and help those around them. Dear members, I am writing this issue’s President’s Message in March 2020 as the worrisome news keeps arriving about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Based on public health official recommendations, the HCBA announced event postponements or cancellations through April (extended to May 31 after this article’s writing). The Ferguson Law Center, normally host to many meetings, has become pretty quiet. Some of us are preparing to work remotely, away from the usual company of colleagues. Some of us are duty bound and showing up for work to provide essential services in the community. We have learned new phrases like “social distancing” and “flatten the curve” and have had to significantly alter social behaviors like shaking hands in greeting. 6 Our members are great sources of pride. Clients search us out in normal times for advice, counseling, and help with a variety of legal issues. In extraordinary times like now, our members are Continued on page 7 M AY - J U N E 2 0 2 0 | HCBA LAWYER