by Lyndsey E. Siara – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
Northwestern School of Law in
Portland, Oregon, but spent her
third year in New York City as a
great joy in sharing with me the
visiting scholar at Fordham Law
people she holds most dear.
School. Her entire family is
Between her parents and
exceptionally impressive in terms
brothers, as well as the family she
of academics and achievements —
gained after her marriage to
she used the term “off the charts
Steve, and her group of long-time
smart.” Her oldest brother Fred has
close friends (one of whom,
a Ph.D. in electrical engineering
Jennifer Smith — affectionately
and Tom has a Ph.D. in geophysics;
known as “Wingman” — had
both are brilliant scientists. Allan
been graciously assisting her
was the other lawyer in the family,
throughout her recovery), she had
and Dan — her “soul brother” —
a lot to talk about. At the expense
is a musician, artist, and free spirit.
of sounding a bit “Hallmarky,”
The entire Tesche clan are gifted
Judge Tesche Arkin described her
orators. Judge Tesche Arkin
love and admiration for her “kind,
recalled deep conversations and
great debates — all engaged in
husband Steve, who is an
with respect for one another —
exceptional physician. Having
Judge Tesche Arkin’s parents
around the dinner table. Fred
met later in life, Judge Tesche
Senior was a particularly talented
Arkin and Steve live life to the
educator. Judge Tesche Arkin highlighted a “Bring Your
fullest together. “My greatest gratitude in life is having
Dad to School Day” during which Fred Senior held
his love in it,” she warmly shared. During a brief one-
court with her schoolmates by placing a Hershey kiss on
on-one moment with Jennifer, as she toured me through
the top of each child’s head. With instructions that if
the backyard, I could sense how special Judge Tesche
you’re still enough to keep the kiss on your head, you
Arkin is to those people she holds dear.
get to eat it at the end, Fred Senior orated about the
I also gathered from Jennifer that Judge Tesche Arkin
solar system or some other deep topic. With a laugh,
is just a fun person to be around. As people-people,
Judge Tesche Arkin considered implementing this
Judge Tesche Arkin and her husband love to throw
strategy for one of her trial advocacy classes at Stetson.
themed parties in their backyard. Steve is her willing
The more memorable times with Fred Senior were during
partner in donning clever costumes for such events.
his “lab talks” out in the garage. Judge Tesche Arkin
They’ve dressed up as “Night” and “Fever” (a Bee Gee’s
would join Fred Senior in tinkering with an antique
reference, for those not old enough to know), and won
amateur ham radio to register Morse Code transmissions
a “best costume” prize for attending as a hurricane —
from around the world. Or he would teach lessons about
yes, a hurricane! She was the cone of uncertainty and
the big questions kids have like Why is the sky blue? He
he a spaghetti model. She takes pride in personally
loved to talk and young Caroline loved to listen; a skill
designing and crafting most of these costumes.
she finds helpful now as a judge.
And hence the backyard band stage. Judge Tesche
Judge Tesche Arkin was elected to the bench in 2008.
Arkin loves music, so no party is complete without it. As a
Her brother Allan, who has since passed away, was her
child, she had vocal training in classical music and played
inspiration for going to law school. He was a prominent
the violin. Now, she plays some guitar and occasionally
attorney and an elected Assembly Member in
volunteers to sing at Law Follies. With a few college acting
Anchorage, Alaska, and also ran a bed and breakfast
classes under her belt, she’s always willing to ham it up.
with his wife, Pam. Allan was a gifted orator, just like
Judge Tesche Arkin and Steve have hosted barristers from
Fred Senior. Judge Tesche Arkin recalled a time during
the United Kingdom and weddings, and even feature
which she was still in private practice and Allan was
regular musicales, in their backyard sanctum.
visiting Tampa; she had laryngitis and an important
Just like her parents, Judge Tesche Arkin graduated
from the University of California, albeit the Santa
Barbara campus. She graduated from Lewis & Clark
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