HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 1 | Page 6

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E Di n e e n Pa s h o u k o s Wa s y l i k – DP W Le g a l Celebrating30Years I themagazine’ssuccessdependsonyourparticipation:asauthors, aseventattendees,asreaders,andasadvertisers. am pleased to welcome you to the thirtieth year of the Lawyer magazine! For thirty years, the Hillsborough County Bar has brought our legal community timely and insightful articles about the happenings in our county, in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, and in our organization. Our magazine offers our members the opportunity to share important legal developments in all areas of the law, from appellate practice to veterans’ affairs and everything in between. In an age where so much information comes in digital form, I am proud to serve as the editor of a print magazine that provides such a service to the Hillsborough County legal community. Of course, we do offer a digital version, too, so watch your e-mail box for the Continuedonpage5 Robert H. Bonanno, Esquire Mediator/Arbitrator X Certified Florida Circuit Civil & Federal Mediator X Member Florida Circuit-Civil Mediator Society X Available to serve as Special Master X Over 37 years legal experience X Resumé and rates available on website X Downtown Tampa Facilities Available X Convenient Online Calendar www.TampaMediation.com (813)769-3701 4 SEPT - OCT 2019 | HCBA LAWYER