HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 1 | Page 7

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E Di n e e n Pa s h o u k o s Wa s y l i k – DP W Le g a l Continuedfrompage4 link after each issue of the magazine is published. But I still look forward to seeing glossy photos and interesting articles that I can hold in my hands, and I hope you do, too. It has become Lawyer tradition for the president of the Bar to select a theme for the covers during that president’s year of service, and this year is no exception. President Grace Yang will honor the beautiful public art, scenery and architecture that graces our wonderful city. We have worked with the City of Tampa Public Art program to highlight the beauty of our city, and some amazing local photographers. We hope you will find this year’s covers as special as we do. In honor of our thirtieth year, we are asking our readers to join us in a walk down memory lane as we highlight some of the many fabulous covers we have had over the decades. Be sure to check out the layout of five favorite covers from 1990-1995 included in this issue (at page 68). In our next issue, we will bring you five more winning covers from 1996-2000, and each issue we will highlight a five-year period until we arrive at our readers’ SEPT - OCT 2019 | HCBA LAWYER choice for favorite cover. Please help us find our winning cover by voting in our online polls, the next one will be held in early October! My goal as editor of the Lawyer is to continue the great work of outgoing editor Ed Comey and ensure the magazine’s pages reflect the diversity and vibrancy of our Bar’s membership. I look forward to working with the board and our Section and Committee leaderships to ensure we give voice to a wide variety of substantive and professional development topics. Issue 1 of Volume 30 meets that goal: We have articles on several new and important Supreme Court precedents and other legal developments, as well as plenty of pictures highlighting the many events the Bar held over the summer. The magazine’s success depends on your participation: as authors, as event attendees, as readers, and as advertisers. We welcome your submissions to our member news sections, and feel free to share event photos as well. We can’t promise every submission will be published, but we count on you to ensure we are covering all aspects of our Bar’s social and educational contributions to the Tampa community. Thank you for your readership. n 5