credits? In an effort to better serve our members, CLEs
will be available for download on demand in the near
future, too.
There are a variety of volunteer and leadership
opportunities, some lasting for the majority of the bar
year, and others only lasting a short while. If you like to
plan CLEs, events, or meetings, we welcome your energy,
skills and ideas. If you like to donate your time to pro
bono or community service projects, there are many
worthy groups who would welcome your time, care, and
generosity. If you like to write, there are articles you can
contribute. I encourage you to explore the numerous
ways that HCBA membership can benefit you!
A stated goal of the HCBA is “to encourage
camaraderie among our members.” There will be many
opportunities this year to meet members and strengthen
your professional network. Those opportunities include
large membership gatherings like our fall kickoff event
on September 11 at The Vault and the Bench Bar
SEPT - OCT 2019
P R E S I D E N T ’ S
G r a c e H . Ya n g – G r a y Ro b i n s o n
Conference on October 3. Please make plans to visit with
old and new friends at the festive Holiday Open House
on December 5, and rejoin us for our January 8 Diversity
lunch. Mark your calendars, pledge pro bono hours,
bring your appetite, and walk, run, or leap to the 5K Pro
Bono River Run and the Judicial Pig Roast/Food Festival
on February 29, 2020. We will be on the same Tampa
Riverwalk route in 2020 and hope for another beautiful
race day.
A variety of HCBA section and committee events
will offer ways to learn, network, and meet people in
smaller groups. The HCBA events calendar on
hillsbar.com is a very useful way to see all upcoming
events, and the Monday e-newsletters also provide news
of upcoming events. In addition, our Facebook,
LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram feeds will continue to
provide and share content for the social media savvy
members in the HCBA.
Again, welcome to the new year! I hope many of you
will attend future events and encourage others to join and
find out why it’s great to belong to the HCBA. n