State Court Trial Seminar
The young Lawyers Divisions hosted its annual State Court Trial Seminar on June 14 at the Thank you also to the event’s sponsor:
George e. edgecomb Courthouse. The four-hour seminar included seasoned trial lawyers J. Daniel milestone reporting
Clark, David banker, Jason whittemore, Hon. Jessica Costello, John Schifino, Thomas masterson,
mark mcLaughlin and Dale Swope. The Judicial panel featured Hon. alissa ellison, Hon. Gregory
Holder, Hon. robin fuson, and Hon. barbara Twine Thomas, with melissa foss and avila Zepp
moderating. at the end of the Seminar, the yLD hosted an end-of-year happy hour at GenX Tavern.
Thank you to the speakers and the attendees!
Community Services Committee Hosts
Another Successful Pirate’s Plunder Party
The Community Services Committee held its sixth annual pirate’s plunder party on may 18 for
the children at a kid’s place foster home. The Committee members and volunteers brought games,
sweets, lunch, pirate garb, a bounce house, photo booth, candy machine and much more. Thank
you to members of the Community Services Committee, the many volunteers, law firms, and local
businesses that helped make such a great day for the children at a kid’s place.
SEPT - OCT 2019