HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 1 | Page 17

C L E R K O F C O U R T & C O M P T R O L L E R Pa t Fr a n k – C l e r k o f C o u r t & C o m p t r o l l e r, T h i r t e e n t h Ju d i c i a l C i r c u i t Continuedfrompage14 That rule provides three ways an attorney can appear in a case: “(1) By serving and filing, on behalf of a party, the party’s first pleading or paper in the proceeding. (2) By substitution of counsel, but only by order of court and with written consent of the client, filed with the court. The court may condition substitution upon payment of, or security for, the substituted attorney’s fees and expenses, or upon such other terms as may be just. (3) By filing with the court and serving upon all parties a notice of appearance as counsel for a party that has already appeared in a proceeding pro se or as co-counsel for a party that has already appeared in a proceeding by non-withdrawing counsel.” As you know, the Clerk’s Office is responsible for creating and maintaining accurate records of all court proceedings, including the role of an attorney. I understand that in court, especially in criminal cases, a judge is notified orally that an attorney is appearing for the attorney of record. But often that oral notification isn’t specific. So unless the court or defendant objects to the oral notification, the clerks enter the attorney as co-counsel under Rule 2.505(e)(3). Thus all of those unwanted notices. We understand attorneys are busy, and sometimes circumstances prevent you from filing a written notice. Being specific in an oral notice allows the clerks to make that role clear in the court record. It also saves time and needless effort thereafter, and for corrective filings by the attorney to amend the role reflected in the court record. All attorneys and all court clerks must abide by all of the court rules. By working together, and assiduously following the court rules, efficiency and camaraderie will prevail. I look forward to continuing to serve you in a courteous, professional, and efficient manner in order to make your practice less stressful. n MichaelBedkeReceives2019 FloridaBarFoundationMedalofHonor HCBAmemberMichaelBedke,apartnerwithdLApiper’stampaoffice,wasrecognizedwiththefloridaBar foundation’s2019MedalofHonorAward,thefoundation’shighesthonor,atthefloridaBar’sannualconvention injune. Bedkewasrecognizedforhisexceptionaldedicationtoprovidingprobonoservice,hisadvocacyforAids patientsanddomesticviolencesurvivorsbothlocallyandinternationally,hisinvaluablesupportdevelopingthe noplaceLikeHomeprogram,andhiscommitmenttoimprovingthelivesofveterans,disastersurvivorsandlaw students. Amongsthismanyachievements,afterHurricaneAndrew,Bedkeworkedtopassgoodsamaritanlegislation Michael Bedke thatremovedanimpedimenttolawyersprovidingprobonohelptodisastersurvivors.Healsoledlegalrelief effortsinresponsetoHurricaneinikiinHawaii,thebombingoftheAlfredp.MurrahfederalBuildinginoklahomaCity,andtheterroristattackof september11,2001.HefoundedthegreaterAccessandAssistanceprojectwhilechairoftheABA’sYLd,modelingitaftertheCourthouse AssistanceprojecthecreatedasamemberofBayAreaLegalservices’boardofdirectors. Bedkealsohasworkedonbehalfofdomesticviolencesurvivorsformorethan25years.Hewasappointedtothe nationalAdvisoryCommitteeonviolenceAgainstwomenin2002andhasservedonnumerousboardsworkingto improveaccesstolegalhelpforsurvivors.Heworkedwiththewomen’sCaucusoftheperuvianparliament todraftmodeldomesticviolencelegislation. AspresidentoftheboardofBayAreaLegalservicesin2015,Bedkespearheadedafundraisingeffortthat createda$400,000endowmentforaveteransprogram.Healsoledthedevelopmentandimplementation ofBayArea’snoplaceLikeHomeproject,whichengagesrpptLmemberstoprovideprobonohelpto low-incomehomeownersexperiencingtitleissues. CongratulationstoMichaelBedkeonthiswell-deservedrecognition! SEPT - OCT 2019 | HCBA LAWYER 15