P R E S I D E N T ’ S
John A. Schifino – Gunster
Several HCBA representatives attended the awards presentation to John Kynes (center) in June. (l to r) Past President Carter Andersen,
Past President Gordon Hill, President John Schifino, John’s wife Stacy Kynes, Past President Ben Hill, IV, and Chief Judge Ron Ficarrotta.
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For some background about John, the HCBA hired
him in 2011 to replace its then long-serving Executive
Director. To suggest that John assumed his role as
Executive Director of the HCBA at a pivotal time in
the history of our organization would be a gross
understatement. The HCBA had just moved into the
Chester Ferguson Law Center and had used its reserves
to support the transition to the new building.
Recognizing that the organization was facing
significant financial challenges, John immediately took
ownership of budgeting and financial issues and, along
with the HCBA’s officers and directors, developed a
plan that over the next several years would re-build the
reserves to unprecedented levels. In short, John played
the leading role in making the HCBA financially secure
and sound.
The HCBA offers countless programs and services to
its members, including quarterly member luncheons,
section and committee luncheons and CLE presentations,
the HCBA’s Bar Leadership Institute, the Lawyer
magazine, the annual Diversity Networking Social, the
Bench/Bar Conference, and so on. John is present at and
participating in every HCBA function. He also regularly
attends and contributes to Florida Bar events, as well as
bar leadership programs such as the Voluntary Bar
Leaders’ Conference and the ABA Bar Leadership
Institute. His unwavering dedication to the legal
community in Hillsborough County and throughout the
state is truly remarkable.
In addition to his service to our legal community, John
has spearheaded the HCBA’s community involvement
efforts. The HCBA is proud to sponsor its Military and
SEPT - OCT 2018
Veteran Affairs Committee, which includes attorneys
licensed to practice in Florida who are available to assist
veterans and active-duty personnel with legal matters.
John was instrumental in the development and success of
this now vibrant committee. John has also been tireless in
his support of the HCBA’s Lawyer Referral Service,
through which our local Bar fields thousands of phone
calls every month and helps members of our community
find qualified attorneys. The HCBA also makes available
to the public a wide array of consumer-related
information to assist consumers with their decision to
retain an attorney. None of these programs would be
possible without John’s leadership and indeed without the
tireless efforts of the entire HCBA staff.
John has tackled every HCBA task and endeavor with
enthusiasm and efficiency. As one of many examples,
John spearheaded an important and long-overdue
upgrade to the HCBA’s website, which is now easily
navigable, informative, and a valuable resource to our
members. John efficiently and professionally manages a
staff of twelve employees and has proved to be a perfect
partner for the HCBA’s Board of Directors. John leads
by example and is consistently the first to roll up his
sleeves when the HCBA is presented with a challenge.
Above all else, John Kynes is as humble a person
I know, and he will cringe when he reads this article. He
will be the first to say that none of the above would be
possible without the remarkable HCBA staff and his work
colleagues (and he’s right — the HCBA does have a
remarkable staff). But John’s dedication, leadership, and
drive have had a profound impact on the HCBA, and like
The Florida Bar, we should not hesitate to recognize
him for his extraordinary service and commitment to
our association.