P R E S I D E N T ’ S
Ja s o n Wh i t t e mo re – Wa g n e r Mc La u g h l i n
A notHer g reAt Y eAr A HeAd
for tHe HCBA Yld
there is no better way to get to know the other young
lawyers in our community than through the HCBA Yld.
n June 7, 2018, the HCBA YLD board
was sworn into office, marking the
start of another great year for the
YLD. The YLD is once again led by
a group of outstanding young lawyers
dedicated to promoting professionalism and service in
our community. This year, the YLD will continue its
mission of supporting the initiatives and goals of the
HCBA; promoting professionalism and ethical conduct;
providing guidance and support to new lawyers, and
educational opportunities to our members; organizing
programs and events for young lawyers; and encourag -
ing service in our community.
Although the Bar year just started, the YLD Board got
straight to work planning this year’s events at our annual
retreat on June 29 in Boca Grande. The YLD calendar
Continued on page 9
n today!
Make plans now to attend HCBA’s 22nd Annual Bench Bar
Conference, Membership Luncheon & Judicial Reception
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - Hilton Tampa Downtown
Featured Speakers:
n Professor Charles Ehrhardt, Professor Emeritus, Florida State
University College of Law, presenting on impeachment
of witnesses
n Professor Susan McManus, University of South Florida,
presenting on November 2018 elections and Florida
ballot measures
n Plus the ever-popular “View from the Bench” sessions with
the local judiciary and “View from the Box” jury panel
feedback session
Sponsorship opportunities available. Additional information on
the conference and sponsorship opportunities at Hillsbar.com.
SEPT - OCT 2018