E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
Continued from page 8
The committee was co-chaired this year by Dane Heptner and Stephanie Generotti .
The national Law Day theme the ABA selected this year was : “ Separation of Powers : Framework for Freedom .”
And Heptner told the luncheon attendees that more than 80 HCBA volunteer lawyers and judges helped lead mock trials , courthouse tours , and classroom discus sions this spring .
Plus , there was a related art competition for students that featured 21 submissions ( art contest winners shown in photo above with their artwork at Law Day luncheon ). Additional details on the winners and their artwork are on page 38 . Overall , more than 3,750 students were involved in Law Week activities , Heptner said .
* * * Meantime , the annual luncheon also marked the unofficial end to the 2017-18 Bar year .
And under the outstanding leadership of President Gordon Hill and the HCBA Board , it has been a stellar year for sure .
From all the membership luncheons , the annual Bench Bar Conference , the Holiday Open House , all
This year ’ s Law Week Art Contest Winners
the HCBA diversity events , the HCBA Pig Roast and Food Festival , and 5K Pro Bono River Run , and the Bar Foundation ’ s annual Law & Liberty Dinner , there was something for everyone .
And that doesn ’ t even include all the other outstanding CLE programs and community service events . Plus , all the successful events put on by the HCBA ’ s superb Young Lawyers Division , which was ably led by YLD President Melissa Mora .
Looking ahead , I ’ m confident incoming HCBA President John Schifino will continue the good work that has made the HCBA the wonderful organization it is today . Here ’ s hoping everyone has a great rest of the summer . See you around the Chet .
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