D I R E C T O R ’ S
J o h n F. K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
2018 Liberty Bell award goes to Former
Fla. gov. Bob martinez; Law day Luncheon
Celebration marks end to Stellar year
“[gov. martinez] literally changed the face of the judiciary in
Hillsborough County and the entire state of Florida. as governor, he
made diverse appointments to the bench before diversity was part
of our vocabulary.” —thirteenth Circuit Chief Judge ron Ficarrotta
ampa native son
Bob Martinez was
sworn in as the 40th
Governor of Florida
in January 1987, and
his impact on Florida’s judiciary is
still being felt today, more than 30
years later.
The first Hispanic to be elected to
Florida’s highest office, Martinez
used his executive power during his
one term in office to appoint people
to the bench who reflected Florida’s
increasingly diverse population.
(l to r): 2nd DCA Chief Judge Edward LaRose, former Circuit Judge Manny Menendez, Bob
“He literally changed the face of
former Circuit Judge Dennis Alvarez, and 13th Circuit Court Chief Judge Ron Ficarrotta.
the judiciary in Hillsborough County
and the entire state of Florida,” said
Thirteenth Circuit Chief Judge Ron
Ficarrotta. “As governor, he made diverse appointments
Continuing, Ficarrotta talked about Martinez’s long
to the bench before diversity was part of our vocabulary.”
and distinguished service in public life, and his lifelong
Ficarrotta’s remarks came as he announced Martinez
devotion to the Tampa community.
as the 2018 Liberty Bell Award winner at the HCBA’s
Martinez was elected as the 54th Mayor of Tampa in
annual Law Day Luncheon at the Hilton Downtown on
1979. And, after his term as governor, he was appointed
May 9.
by President George H. W. Bush to the Cabinet-level
Joining Ficarrotta in making the award presentation
position of Director of National Drug Policy Control.
were former Thirteenth Circuit Chief Judges Manny
He currently is a Senior Policy Advisor with the
Menendez and Dennis Alvarez, and also current Second
Holland & Knight law firm in Tampa.
DCA Chief Judge Edward LaRose.
In accepting the award, Martinez talked about the
The Liberty Bell Award has been presented annually
great responsibility associated with making judicial
by the HCBA since 1964, and it is intended to honor a
appointments, and he thanked the HCBA for the award.
citizen who does not practice law but who has worked
“I will cherish it,” he said.
tirelessly to preserve and strengthen our system of justice.
Ficarrotta noted Martinez appointed numerous
* * *
minorities, including the first African-American woman
During the luncheon, the outstanding work of the
to the Thirteenth Circuit bench, and the first African-
HCBA’s Law Week Committee was also highlighted.
American woman to the Hillsborough County bench.
Continued on page 9