Mvac2024-2025 — welcoMeBack
Military & Veterans Affairs Committee
Networking In addition to our service projects , MVAC will be hosting multiple networking events throughout the year . We are planning on teaming up with members of the local JAG community for professional development sessions for all active duty , reserve , national guard , and civilian JAGs . We are also going to host a Veteran ’ s Day event honoring our local heroes in the fall , and host our annual VLAR reception in the spring . There will also be CLE opportunities focusing on topics related to the military community .
Should I Join ?
Absolutely ! You do not have to be a veteran to support veterans or to join MVAC . We are an all-inclusive committee with members from diverse backgrounds and diverse practice areas . As a member of MVAC there are numerous opportunities to serve ,
MVAC ’ s Veterans Day luncheon in November 2023 .
network , lead , write , or speak . What we all have in common is we want to support and promote ALL those who are currently serving or have served in the U . S . military and their families . Come to one of our happy hours , volunteer at a service event , or attend one of our CLE events . You will not be disappointed ! n
Authors : Robert Barton - Rumberger / Kirk & Steve Collins - Law Office of Rory Weiner
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