Mvac2024-2025 — welcoMeBack
Military & Veterans Affairs Committee Chairs : RobertBarton – Rumberger / Kirk & SteveCollins – LawOfficeofRoryWeiner
youdonothavetobeaveterantosupportveteransorto joinMvac . whatweallhaveincommoniswewantto supportandpromoteallthosewhoarecurrentlyserving orhaveservedintheu . S . militaryandtheirfamilies .
The Military and Veterans Affairs Committee ( MVAC ) is excited to ring in the 2024-2025 Bar Year . We have an exciting list of events planned that will serve the Tampa Bay veteran community as well as our local military legal community . MVAC will continue volunteer efforts to assist local veterans in need around the Tampa Bay area and offer CLEs and networking opportunities to our veteran and non-veteran legal community . MVAC will also be concentrating more efforts on one of our core tenets this year — networking with local members of the Judge Advocate Generals ’ Corps ( JAG ), including government
civilian attorneys in the JAG community to introduce them to the Hillsborough County Bar Association , and , if needed , assist them with the transition to civilian life . Another goal we intend to focus on this year is to increase our non-military / veteran membership .
Service This year MVAC will continue to provide support to local homeless veteran through “ stand down ” events where we provide legal advice to homeless , disadvantaged , and disabled veterans . The impact of these events is invaluable , both on the attorney giving the advice and the veteran . We will also continue to promote the Veterans
Legal Assistance Registry ( VLAR ), the State of Florida ’ s first registry that connects veterans in need of legal assistance with lawyers willing to provide services at a reduced rate or pro bono . If you would like to see the list , check out the HCBA website under the “ For The Public ” tab or go to http :// tinyurl . com / veteranslegalregistry . ( If you would like to be added to the registry , contact Steve or Robert ). Finally , we will continue to promote the 13th Judicial Circuit ’ s nationallyrecognized Veterans Treatment Court through the leadership and guidance of Judge Michael Scionti and Colonel DJ Reyes , USA , Retired .
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