Bench Bar Conference Committee Chairs : JudgeThomasPalermo – 13thJudicialCircuitCourt & JudgeSamanthaWard – 13thJudicialCircuitCourt
The HCBA Bench Bar Conference has become one of the preeminent bench bar conferences in the State of Florida . Last year , over 500 lawyers attended . So , too , did the majority of the judges from the 13th Circuit . They were joined by judges from the 2nd DCA , the 6th Circuit , and Middle District of Florida . Why is it worth attending ?
First , the Bench Bar Conference offers unique opportunities to meet-and-greet other lawyers , legal professionals , and local judges . Interacting with each other in a less formal setting , including by breaking bread together at the membership luncheon and the reception after the conference , helps to improve civility within the Bar . It raises the profile of the lawyers who participate and provides mentorship and learning opportunities . And it gives both the bench and the bar a chance to have real and open dialogues , not about cases but also about pertinent legal issues and about the needs of our legal community and its justice system . It is a forum where input , exchange , and dialogue can lead to benefits for all of us .
Second , the Bench Bar Conference offers first class substantive and innovative CLE content in three broad areas : civil , criminal , and family law . The programs can help satisfy up to 7
hours of required CLEs and they include some of the harder to earn hours , e . g ., ethics and technology . Often , local judges are involved in both participation in and attending the programs themselves . Everyone benefits when we elevate the state of practice amongst the bench and bar .
This year ’ s Bench Bar offers one of our most requested segments — Q & A with this past years ’ jurors in a separate criminal and civil panel — which gives attorneys and others that rare glimpse into “ what actually happens in the jury room .”
And the Bench Bar Conference offers a prime opportunity to get involved with the HCBA and elsewhere . The lawyers around you are future judges , potential adversaries , sources of referrals , potential collaborators on upcoming cases , mentors and mentees . In our professional lives , relationships matter . This is an opportunity to
Savethedate : november14 , 2024 , at7:30a . m . atthe hiltondowntowntampa . form and strengthen them . In life , success is often about showing up .
Finally , as a committee , we have chosen to dedicate this year ’ s Conference to one of our own , Liben Amedie , a colleague and friend , who passed too soon on November 14 , 2023 . While there are more than 3,000 lawyers here in Hillsborough County , that is not really so large a legal community . We are barely a degree of separation from each other . We share bonds through our educational and professional accomplishments . We serve in a learned profession . We may cross swords with each other , but iron sharpens iron . And , at this conference , we honor Liben for the contributions he made putting on prior Conferences .
We can ’ t wait to see all of you on November 14 , 2024 , starting at 7:30 a . m . at the Hilton in downtown Tampa ! n
Author : Judges Samantha Ward & Thomas Palermo – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court
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