HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 1 | Page 15

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s –
H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n continuedfrompage12
After being sworn in , Martino thanked his law partners , his parents and family members , and especially his wife , Dr . Amy Martino , and their two daughters , for their unwavering support over the years .
Martino is a civil litigator with the firm Older Lundy Koch & Martino in Tampa . He is a fourth generation Tampanian and a graduate of Jesuit High School .
Martino earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and his law degree from Stetson University .
In 2014-15 , Martino served as YLD president .
Additionally , Martino has served as chair of 13th Judicial Circuit ’ s Local Professionalism Panel , and as chair of the Florida Bar ’ s 13th Circuit Grievance Committee .
Named a Florida Super Lawyer since 2013 , Martino also is an officer for the Tampa Bay Trial Lawyers Association .
In his remarks , Martino said his theme for his year as Bar president will focus on professionalism in the law and “ practicing law in person .”
“ While I appreciate some of the efficiencies that Zoom has given us post-COVID , I think our current reliance on it is producing some negative effects that I ’ m observing through the Grievance Committee , and on my time on the Local Professionalism Panel ,” Martino said .
“ I ’ m concerned , particularly for younger lawyers ,” Martino said . “ It ’ s scary to think that there are three-tofour-year lawyers who have probably never actually stepped foot in a courtroom for a live hearing , or a deposition , mediation , or a trial in person .”
Added Martino : “ Fortunately , the HCBA has resumed our in-person events , which I think fosters relationships among members of the Bar , and increases the level of professionalism for which the 13th Circuit is recognized statewide .”
Continuing , Martino highlighted the HCBA ’ s close relationship with the local judiciary .
“ We have a fantastic relationship with our judges , and I want to thank each and every one of them for their contributions and participation in this association ,” Martino said . Martino also recognized the new HCBA Board of
Directors and YLD President Nicole Gehringer and the
Anthony “ Nino ” Martino with his parents at his Investiture ceremony on June 6 at the Ferguson law Center .
YLD Board , and said he looks forward to working closely with them during the Bar year .
Martino ’ s father , Anthony T . Martino , a prominent Tampa attorney , introduced his son at the installation event .
The elder Martino congratulated his son on his new role , and he fondly reminisced about a federal trial they worked on together early in Nino ’ s legal career .
It ’ s been great to “ watch him [ Nino ] grow and mature as a legal professional ” over the years , he said .
* * *
The fall season and a new Bar year also brings new opportunities for all HCBA members .
These include the opportunity to forge new relationships and reconnect with other HCBA members at the many informative CLE seminars and numerous membership and social events held throughout the Bar year .
Also , make it a point to attend the HCBA ’ s 27th Annual Bench Bar Conference , Membership Luncheon , and Judicial Reception , scheduled for Thursday , Nov . 14 at the Hilton Tampa Downtown , which is always a highlight during the Bar year .
I look forward to seeing you sometime soon at an upcoming HCBA event . n
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