E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s – H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
anthonyd . “ nino ” MartinoSworninasnew hcBaPresident ; MartinoStepsintoBoard leadershiproleafternearlytwodecades ofServicetotheBarandthecommunity
“ theroleofthehcBaistoinspireandpromoterespectforthelaw andthejusticesystemthroughservicetothelegalprofessionandthe community , andthehcBaBoardiswhathelpsmakethishappen ” — anthonyd . Martino
Anthony D . “ Nino ” Martino has always valued the HCBA ’ s mission to help inspire respect for the law and the justice system through service to the legal profession and the community .
Now , after nearly two decades of service on both the YLD and HCBA Board of Directors , Martino was sworn in as the HCBA ’ s 2024-25 Board president by 13th Circuit Chief Judge Chris Sabella at an installation ceremony at the Ferguson Law Center on June 6 .
“ Thank you all for entrusting me with the wonderful traditions of the HCBA as president ,” Martino told the 250 or so HCBA members gathered at the event .
Martino was sworn in as the HCBA ’ s 2024-25 Board president by 13th Circuit Chief Judge Chris Sabella on June 6 .
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