HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 4 | Page 7

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J i m W i m s a t t – H a r r i s , H u n t & D e r r , P . A .
career . Let ’ s just say that this failure led to a lot of questions and soul searching . But looking at the past year , there is no question that the process of studying and preparing for the exam made me a better and much more knowledgeable attorney . And wasn ’ t that the real goal all along — to increase my proficiency and skill level ?
Seen in that light , the test was not a failure , but rather a victory of its own sort . And I have not given up on my goal . By the time you read this article , I will have taken the exam a second time . I ’ ve again put in the over one hundred hours of studying — rising before my kids get up in the morning to steal a couple hours of studying and preparing outlines during my lunch hour . And guess what ? I am still learning ; still becoming a better attorney through this process . If I pass or if I fail , it will have been worth it .
Again , I would encourage everyone , if you look around and find the attorneys that you respect and look up to and learn from are board certified , take the plunge , apply , and take one more test . The journey alone could make you a better attorney . n
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