HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 4 | Page 6

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J i m W i m s a t t – H a r r i s , H u n t & D e r r , P . A .

WhatIhaveLearnedfrom myBoardCertificationJourney

Iwouldencourageeveryone , ifyoulookaroundandfindthe attorneysthatyourespectandlookuptoandlearnfromare boardcertified , taketheplunge , apply , andtakeonemoretest .

Last year in the March-April issue of this magazine , I discussed my decision to take the exam to become board certified in Marital and Family Law . The application process was daunting , and the studying involved late nights and many early mornings . The test itself was a grueling eight hours where I felt transported back to the days of the Bar Exam that I thought I had left far behind me . After the test , I waited almost three months to get the result . When the results came , the subject line of the email could not have been more clear : Fail .

The test has a notoriously low passage rate , but I was sure that I had been as prepared as possible and put forth my best efforts . I ’ ll be honest — the next week was brutal . Like many attorneys , I had not failed a test or exam in my entire academic
4 M A R - A P R 2 0 2 4 | H C B A L A W Y E R