HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 8

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E A l e x C a b a l l e r o – S e s s u m s B l a c k , P . A .


Januaryisthetimeofyeartomakeresolutionsandcommitments foragreatyear , personallyandprofessionally .

It was a great 2023 year at the HCBA . There were great seminars and CLE programs presented by the different sections and committees . The HCBA Diversity Membership Luncheon , the 5K Pro Bono River Run and Judicial Food Festival , the Bench Bar Program , the HCBA Membership Law Day Luncheon , and the HCBA Holiday Open House were a few of the recurring events that were amazing . I look forward to these events in 2024 and hope you will attend .

One of my favorite events is the 5K Pro Bono River Run / Judicial Food Festival . This year the event is scheduled for Saturday , March 23 , 2024 . I hope everyone can attend . Usually , the weather is amazing and it is a good time to be outside . The food and drinks taste so much better after a 5K Run . Given that it is January , now is a good time to start the New Year resolution and start training for the 5K Run .
But before the 5K Run and Judicial Food Festival , there are many events to attend . On January 16 , the HCBA Diversity Membership Luncheon will occur at Marriott Water Street . The event is well attended , and not only is it a time to catch up with other lawyers who you have probably not seen in a while , but is a time to meet new HCBA members . The speaker is always interesting , and it is always a great time . I encourage you to please attend if you are able to .
March 9 will be the HCBA Night at the Tampa Bay Lightning Game at Amalie Arena . The game starts at 7:00 pm and is always a family friendly event . It is a fun time to go and have a group cheering for the Lightning .
The HCBA Membership Law Day Luncheon is scheduled for May 7 , 2024 at the Hilton Downtown . The Luncheon provides a great time to network with fellow
HCBA members . This event always has a wonderful speaker and should not be missed . I hope you can make it .
I encourage everyone to please go to the HCBA website at hillsbar . com and look at all the wonderful information . There is a calendar that contains more information on the above events , and on the many other HCBA events that are too numerous to list in this article . I also encourage everyone to go to the “ For Attorneys ” tab and click on “ Sections & Committees .” The page for each HCBA Section and Committee will appear and provide specific details about upcoming luncheons , CLE ’ s and events for the specific Section or Committee .
January is the time of year to make resolutions and commitments for a great year , personally and professionally . Now is time to look at the calendar on the HCBA website and put on your calendar the many great upcoming events . Let the HCBA help you make 2024 your most successful and rewarding year . n
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