E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J i m W i m s a t t – H a r r i s , H u n t & D e r r , P . A . continuedfrompage4
all he did , he would have been one of the most impactful Chief Judges in the history of the Circuit . When you add in his stewardship and leadership in keeping the Courts open to the public during COVID , his legacy is undeniable .
The Clerk of the Court has an update on how jurors donating their compensation for service has raised almost $ 40,000 for the Spring of Tampa Bay . The article also provides background information on the charity jurors ’ donations will benefit in the coming year , Voices for Children of Tampa Bay .
The Appellate Section has a fascinating article on how Artificial Intelligence is already here and providing ways appellate practitioners ( and trial attorneys ) can integrate AI into their practices . The Criminal Law Section details the other side of AI — monitoring by the State of phone calls to and from incarcerated individuals and the ( scary to this writer ) implications thereof .
Speaking of criminal law , the latest in a series of articles that I have really come to enjoy about the day-to-day practices of government attorneys features Rocky Brancato with a peek into his daily life as the Chief Operating Officer for Hillsborough County ’ s Public Defender ’ s Office . What a fascinating and high stakes position ! I absolutely love hearing and reading about positions in the legal profession with which I am unfamiliar .
Immigration is in the news daily , and both the Immigration Law Section and the Labor & Employment Law Section provide insights this month on how the nation ’ s and Florida ’ s policies toward immigrants are impacting the ability of employers to hire and retain the employees they desperately need .
Finally , please read the article on Human Trafficking Prevention Month by Brent A . Woody and Jenay E . Iurato of the Trial & Litigation Section . I encourage you all to go above and beyond the minimum pro bono requirements of The Florida Bar and to share your talents with such worthy organizations as the Justice Restoration Center .
Thank you to all of the contributors this issue , and I hope everyone enjoys and learns from the fruits of their labors ! n
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