HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 14

F R O M T H E T H I R T E E N T H J U D I C I A L C I R C U I T C H I E F J U D G E C h i e f J u d g e C h r i s t o p h e r S a b e l l a , T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t


iwilldomybesttomakethemembersofthehillsborough countyBarassociationproudtoworkinthebestcircuitin theStateofflorida .

They say allgoodthingsmustcometoanend . As to Ronald N . Ficarrotta ’ s term as Chief Judge , there is truth to the saying . On June 30 , 2023 , Judge Ficarrotta ’ s term as the Chief Judge of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit ended . The Florida Rules of Judicial Administration restrict the number of two-year terms a Chief Judge can serve , with eight years being the maximum . Since his term began in 2015 , his eight years were up in 2023 .

Shortly thereafter , he announced he would retire on August 31 , 2023 . Knowing Ron like I do , I know he struggled with the decision to retire . He truly loved being a Chief Judge ! But a life beyond the bench was calling , and he looked forward to spending more time with his wife Monica , brother Joe , and sister Rosemary .
Ron ’ s tenure as Chief Judge was a unique one . He led the Thirteenth Circuit through the COVID-19 pandemic , grounded in the belief that that the public ’ s
right to access to the courts was fundamental and must be protected . Due to his leadership , the Thirteenth Circuit was a leader in providing access to hearings via continuedonpage13
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